Pamela Anderson is famous for many things, from of course her breakout role as C.J. Parker in Baywatch to her infamous celebrity sex tape. That itself is now the subject of a critically acclaimed TV mini-series, Pam & Tommy, that has brought the spotlight once again onto the glamorous Canadian actor. She has appeared in Playboy magazine, appeared in various TV series (including Home Improvement) and starred in a number of films (though none that might described as an absolute classic!).
In 2006, Anderson was rightly inducted into the Canadian Walk of Fame. She is someone who has really captured the public’s imagination over the years but red swimsuits, sex and rock and roll aside (we think she skipped drugs), many vegans will know her as something of an animal rights activist. But is Pamela Anderson vegan?
Pamela Anderson Is Vegan
Good news for fans of Pammy in any of her many guises, she is indeed a vegan and has been for many years. Back in 2021, Anderson told Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain that she had been following a plant-based diet for around 30 years. She was born in British Colombia in Canada in 1967 which, at the time of writing, makes her 54 years of age and irrespective of when you read this suggests she became vegan at some time in her early 20s.
For those who do not want to think about Piers Morgan and sex, she engaged in some banter with the TV host claiming that vegans are better lovers. Well, who are we to disagree? She noted that the only thing meat makes hard are your arteries, with Morgan replying with words to the effect of (those of a weak disposition look away now) “I’ve never had any complaints in that department”.
She Claims Veganism Helps Her Sex Life

She has expanded on this topic on Twitter, arguing that cholesterol in particular, which tends to be higher in many products derived from animals, is bad for us. She stated that “It slows blood flow to all the body’s organs, not just the heart. You can improve your overall health and increase stamina in the bedroom by going vegan.” She also added that “eating meat ISN’T healthy. It’s been linked to heart disease, diabetes, strokes, and obesity – which are major causes of erectile dysfunction.”
We have said many times on this site that there is no such thing as a single vegan diet per se, beyond the fact that it excludes animal products. There are some people with superb, well-planned, balanced vegan diets whilst there will be others who eat a lot of processed ready meals and unhealthy foods such as vegan chocolate. So, whilst there may well be truth in much of what the Baywatch legend says (check out our health reasons for going vegan) we would possibly take some of her claims with a (tiny, healthy) pinch of salt.
That said, who are we to argue with sex advice from Pamela Anderson? She credits vegan sausages and a better diet with a huge boost in her then beau’s (and now latest husband’s) well-being and claimed that “Going vegan can help men of all ages boost their sexual performance and reduce the risk of prostate cancer at the same time.” Sounds like a win-win to us!
She Was Vegetarian in Her Teenage Years
Moving on from the bedroom, Anderson was a vegetarian in her teenage years and, seemingly, switched to a vegan diet not too long after that. Whilst it is unclear how far she takes her vegan lifestyle aside from her diet, we do know that she supports a number of animal causes and certainly opposes the use of fur and other animal products for clothing.
Animal Rights Activist
Whilst many mistakenly fall into the cliched trope of viewing her as, effectively, little more than a blonde bimbo, she is a vocal and passionate activist and advocates on a range of issues. Some of her work, such as when she described Julian Assange as a hero on Twitter, is more controversial than others but as far as vegans are concerned her work with PETA and other bodies should be cherished.
Long Term Collaborator & Supporter of PETA
She has been a long-term collaborator and supporter of PETA and the voluptuous vegan (PETA’s words, not ours) was involved in a striking and somewhat controversial campaign that was actually banned in Montreal. The advert (which actually encouraged people to go vegetarian not vegan) saw Pam in a bikini and marked with various cuts of meat (such as ribs, leg, breast and shoulder), emphasising the point that “All Animals Have The Same Parts”.
Montreal’s authorities deemed it sexist, with Anderson retorting that “I didn’t think that Canada would be so puritanical”. As she noted, in a city known for being edgy and also home to a number of exotic dancing establishments, it seemed strange that “a woman would be banned from using her own body in a political protest over the suffering of cows and chickens.” Indeed, much of her work (for PETA and other groups) has used her body to stress the point that animals have bodies too.
In 2014, she appeared in a video for PETA wearing very little (though she does have some tennis balls down her bra for reasons that are not hugely clear). The Valentine’s-themed, burlesque-style production sees her strip for a dog called Monsieur Brando (we promise we aren’t making this up) to encourage pet owners (obviously the issue of pets/companion animals can be tricky for vegans) to cuddle and look after their animals during what was an especially harsh North American winter. She has also appeared in PETA adverts speaking out against the fur trade, including the iconic “I’d rather go naked than wear fur” ones.
Environmental Concerns
Not all of her work has played on her image as a sexy and glamorous star though. Her Twitter feed and other social media accounts are full of posts about animals and more widely the environmental concerns that are important to many vegans. This includes her sharing a lot of pro-animal news and activism, as well as her own posts about veganism and other animal matters. She also wrote to Vladimir Putin to highlight the issue of whaling, subsequently meeting top Russian officials to discuss this matter and animal rights plus conservation in general on behalf of the International Fund For Animal Welfare.
In summary, we can safely and categorically say that Pamela Anderson follows a vegan diet and has done for decades now. She has been vegan for most of her life and is also a huge activist in other related areas. So, cheers, Pammy!
Pamela Anderson Trivia

Now we know that Pamela Anderson is a card-carrying vegan who does a lot of work to support animal rights, let’s take a look at some other interesting Pam trivia and facts!
- Marriage – Pam likes getting married. She’s now been married six times in total to five different men!
- Middle Name – Known for her glamour, Pamela Anderson’s middle name is the not-so-glamorous Denise.
- Dance, Ice Dance and Le Danse – She has appeared on Dancing with the Stars (the US Strictly), Dancing on Ice (she finished last) and also the “French Strictly”, Danse Avec Les Stars.
- Brotherly Love – Brother Gerry has worked with Anderson a number of times, including on Blonde and Blonder.
- Finnish/Russian – The Canadian star has both Finnish and Russian blood.
- Awards – She has won many awards over the years, some much-cherished, others, such as her Golden Raspberry for Worst New Star (for Barb Wire in 1997), less so.
- Wrestling – In 1995, she made a brief foray into the world of wrestling, featuring at both Royal Rumble and WrestleMania, albeit only as a ring escort.
- Height and Weight – It was probably best she kept her wrestling career out of the ring given she is just five foot five inches and weighs around eight stone!
- Green – In the 2019 elections in Canada, Pam was firmly behind the Green Party, campaigning with them in line with the many issues we know she supports.
- Guide to Intimacy – We knew we were right to listen to her advice on sex – she co-wrote Lust for Love: Rekindling Intimacy and Passion in Your Relationship (which scores a respectable 3.5/5 on Good Reads!).